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Changing Caregiver Responsibilities, Caregivers Inspiration

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Family caregivers’ responsibilities are constantly changing. Each new day may bring new more difficult challenges. As they age, their health and independence declines.

I am grateful that my elderly mother previously recovered from major falls and surgeries. Although recovered, never fully restored. She never walked the same after each fall. Each time independence decreased and caregiving responsibilities increased.

This is a new day for me, with new major challenges. My mother’s recent stroke left her with paralysis and weakness. I am not sure how we are going to manage but I am confident that God will grant strength, wisdom and knowledge. And I believe that as God made a way before, He is going to do it again.

After my mother was placed in the vehicle to depart the hospital, I gave my departing remarks to her nurse, who had been with her for several days. This young woman gave me encouragement. I turned to her and stated, “I know that this is going to be difficult but we can take care of her.” She smiled and pleasantly stated, “ I have seen how you care for your mother, and I know that you are going to take good care of her, and she will be fine.” Those words sounded as they were from an angel. Somehow, someway we are going to make it.


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